Thursday, 18 December 2014

Those whom we like


"Those whom we like, we never get courage and strength to write about them."
It is a line written somewhere in my draft posts. Which is, well, very true (atleast in my case). I never write about Those whom I like completely. Why? Firstly, I feel that their beauty will shimmer, if ever I tried to describe them through my writings. I don't possess writing skills which could portray the special people of my life. Also, If I write them out completely, then what would I think about in my gloomy days?
Some torments should be eternal I think, so does some memories.  There should be some space for thoughts. Some memories unwritten or some memories not shared with anyone, but just placed in a deep corner of heart, which some day strikes and we remember a past shared with a special person, a sweet bitter smile of unrequited love or may be a laughter shared with a close friend. Yes, life is always present in those memories. It never dies.
Life, always a one way road, we can’t go backward, sometimes close ones are left behind but we move forward (we have to) with more pace or they leave us in mid way but journey have to completed. With or without them. What kind of journey is it? What is the purpose of such journey when we don't have our true, desired or prayed companions beside us? Full of compromises life is! Wouldn't it be better if those people, for whom our heart has a special place, should always be present with us in our life long journey? But does it happen? NO! a big NO!
People come and go and nobody else can replace anybody else. Our heart is huge, very huge, it has a place for everyone, but always a special place for a special person, it never replace, it never vanishes, (if not you then your memory will reside there eternally).
Love is like a radioactive substance it can decay but never vanish completely. Just depends whether your love is uranium, which take thousands of year to decay or carbon isotopes which take few days to decay. But indeed “first love is like uranium.”

Writing after a long time, just second blog post in this whole year and perhaps last of the year.  Though, there were some reasons to write but I didn't. Had no courage, no strength to write. Hopelessness is bad, But thanks to people who like to read (me). Some promises, thus writing, some people, thus writing, some torments thus writing, some memories thus writing.

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